Wasn't online learning the very best??? Just kidding. It was the hardest time of my life.
However, I have tons of videos for Creative Writing that I recorded and will share with you!
These would be great for a sub day. I will admit, I have not gone back and edited them to be less specific for my classes. (If there is enough interest, I will) but I thought I would share them anyway, because I know if you need a sub, you are not feeling up to making super incredible lessons for while you are away.
They also might be helpful if you have not taught Creative Writing for a while. I will group them by topic
https://youtu.be/PCv5hk6tPCw Goes over terms and examples of mentor texts
https://youtu.be/eLm_Bcdp4gI Goes over extended metaphors in texts
https://youtu.be/mPtMzDfNNq4 Goes over free verse
https://youtu.be/K5UsfKX35G0 Goes over tone
https://youtu.be/GEvIzvm_Mh0 Poetry Project (if interested)
https://youtu.be/C1e_Pk4F3Pk Poem Analysis (1)
https://youtu.be/VAf1_1Zl41g Poem Analysis (2)
https://youtu.be/x5SiKptO6g4 Poem analysis (3)
Point of View:
https://youtu.be/5qIBsFmK-nk Discusses 1st, 3rd POV etc.
https://youtu.be/mraBcY3UMbg Conflict + Character
https://youtu.be/3jAOlboP7ko Story Structure
https://youtu.be/OAdVV5IhUwc Rules and More
https://youtu.be/vpiHRDlgJc0 Round Vs. Flat Characters
Showing V. Telling
https://youtu.be/ETo07wmssyw Introduces the idea
https://youtu.be/mic2mz7CFpw Goes more in depth and has an intro activity.
https://youtu.be/H5daF6A4Azw Mostly activities for students to do
https://youtu.be/H5daF6A4Azw Final Activity for students to do
Jobs in Creative Writing
How does a Book Get Published
Peer Revision:
https://youtu.be/43wfrqtcIeU Reminds students of the ways to respond to a peers work
https://youtu.be/rMxlNTM5gYE Short video giving students a way to use Pinterest for their writing (Pinterest is often blocked by schools as it is a social media site)